Protecting Canada's Waterways from
Trash, TSS, Oil, Nutrients, Metals

Oil Grit Separator

Offered in Canada, the new Stormceptor® EF / EFO is an oil grit separator (OGS) / hydrodynamic separator that effectively targets sediment (TSS), free oils, gross pollutants and other pollutants that attach to particles, such as nutrients and metals. The Stormceptor EF / EFO has been verified in accordance with the ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol.

Oil Grit Separator

Stormceptor® is an oil grit separator/hydrodynamic separator designed to remove total suspended solids (TSS), oils, heavy metals, and nutrients. With over 40,000 systems operating worldwide, Stormceptor delivers protection 24/7.

Oil Grit Separator

The SciClone is designed to capture and retain sediment, trash, and hydrocarbons, accepts inlet pipes from multiple angles, and comes equipped with an internal bypass. The SciClone is manufactured from polypropylene components which are non-corrosive and extremely durable.

Oil Grit Separator

Stormceptor MAX is a customizable oil grit separator/hydrodynamic separator modularly designed to treat large drainage areas and industrial sites from hazardous material spills and stormwater pollution, including suspended sediment (TSS), free oils, floatables and other pollutants that attach to particles.


The Jellyfish® Filter is a stormwater treatment technology that removes a high level and a wide variety of stormwater pollutants. The Jellyfish Filter has been verified in accordance with the ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol.


Filterra is an engineered high-performance bioretention system. While it operates similar to traditional bioretention, its high flow media allows for a reduction in footprint of up to 95% versus traditional bioretention practices. Filterra provides a Low Impact Development (LID) solution for tight, highly developed sites such as urban development projects, commercial parking lots, residential streets, and streetscapes. Filterra has been verified in accordance with the ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol.


Choosing the best stormwater treatment solution starts with partnering with the right company. A company that has the knowledge and experience to provide expert advice and assistance. That company is Imbrium.

From oil capture and Phosphorus reduction, to Low Impact Development and urban redevelopment, our stormwater experts have seen it all. Our case studies are examples how Imbrium and our licensees have collaborated with clients to solve the most challenging stormwater treatment problems, and in the most demanding environments.


Imbrium® Systems is dedicated to protecting Canada’s waterways. Based on our knowledge and experience in the Canadian stormwater industry, we have the ability to provide the most effective stormwater treatment technologies that capture and retain harmful pollutants from urban runoff before it enters our streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Imbrium’s engineered treatment solutions have been third-party tested and verified in accordance with the ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol to ensure performance in real-world conditions as designed. Our team of highly skilled engineers and partners provide the highest level of service from design to installation and long-term maintenance.

By working with Imbrium and our partners, you can expect superior treatment technology, unparalleled customer service, compliance with local stormwater regulations, and cleaner water.