The iconic Oakridge Mall at the corner of Cambie and 41st is currently undergoing a massive redevelopment. The closure of the previous shopping center has paved the way for the construction of 2,330 condos, up to 609 rental apartments, and up to 290 affordable housing units, making it Vancouver's largest single development since the Olympic Village in 2009. With a price tag exceeding $5 billion, the project spans a 15- year planning period and encompasses additional office and retail spaces, a cafeteria food hall, daycare facility, community center, gym, fitness area, and the second largest Vancouver Public Library branch. QuadReal Property Group and Westbank Projects Corporation have joined forces as redevelopment partners, aiming to create a vibrant cultural hub that fosters community engagement. The anticipated completion date for the project is 2025.

Figure 1: Rendering of the future Oakridge Mall
During the preliminary proposal stages of the Oakridge Mall redevelopment in 2016, H.Y. Engineering sought stormwater quality treatment solutions and approached Langley Concrete Group and Imbrium® Systems, who are well known as the leaders in providing stormwater quality treatment solutions in the region. The City of Vancouver's water quality requirements at that time mandated achieving the Green Building LEED credit 6.2, which called for the use of a WA TAPE certified filtration device capable of capturing the 90th percentile average annual rainfall runoff event and removing 80% of total suspended solids (TSS). To meet these requirements, the Jellyfish® Filter was chosen as the ideal solution as it satisfied both the LEED 6.2 credit and the City’s new upcoming Rainwater Management Bylaw.

Figure 2: A look down onto the deck of the Jellyfish Filter where, once site stabilization is final, filter cartridges will be installed and activated.
Langley Concrete Group and Imbrium® Systems collaborated closely with the architect, civil and mechanical engineering teams to design and coordinate the installation of thirteen (13) Jellyfish® Filter tanks for the project. The Jellyfish Filter devices will treat nearly 11 hectares of area, capturing an estimated 3200+ kg of pollutant-laden sediment per year. By treating stormwater directly at the source the Jellyfish Filter units will be significantly reducing the harmful substances found in stormwater runoff, including sediment, chemicals, nutrients, and heavy metals, thereby safeguarding the quality of the receiving Frasier River.
As Vancouver undergoes further development, the loss of natural ground cover is increasingly replaced by paved streets, parking lots, and infrastructure. Unfortunately, this transformation can result in a decline in water quality and the contamination of aquatic habitats. To address these concerns, the City of Vancouver has taken proactive measures by implementing regulations that mandate the removal of sediment and pollutants of concern, including metals and nutrients, from stormwater runoff. Incorporating filtration systems like the Jellyfish Filter in new developments serve as a crucial water quality measure mitigating the impacts of urbanization, safeguarding our natural water bodies and leaving a positive impact for future generations to appreciate and benefit from.