Dropzone Newsletter

By: Imbrium Systems

Manufactured treatment devices, such as oil-grit separators (OGS) and stormwater filters, are widely deployed in metropolitan areas across Canada to capture pollutants in urban stormwater runoff.  These treatment devices vary in design and technology employed to remove sediment, hydrocarbons, metals, and nutrients, and each manufacturer advertises the performance features and advantages of their respective technology. Since the manufacturer’s performance claims for a device are typically based on some limited laboratory or field testing, it is important that a technically competent third party agency assess the technology and its test data to ensure that marketed performance claims are credible, and publish the results of their findings.

ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) is a new international standard that was developed to provide a framework for the third-party verification of performance claims for environmental technologies, such as stormwater treatment devices. ISO 14034 ETV is essentially a rigorous protocol that specifies a wide range of provisions for performing a valid verification. It is not a testing protocol, but rather provides a detailed methodology for determining whether the testing was conducted in compliance with the applicable testing protocol, including data quality and statistical analysis for establishing a valid performance claim.  The goal of ISO 14034 ETV is to provide a high level of confidence to regulatory agencies and technology specifiers/buyers that the verified technology will indeed perform in the real world consistent with the manufacturer’s advertised performance claims.  

Beginning in early 2017, the former Canadian ETV program sponsored by Environment Canada was superseded by the new ISO 14034 ETV. This change is supported by Environment Canada and the Standards Council of Canada. Since that date, an increasing number of regulatory agencies and municipalities across Canada have adopted, or plan to adopt, ISO 14034 ETV verification as an approval requirement for manufactured stormwater treatment devices.

Imbrium Systems currently has three stormwater treatment technologies that have been third-party verified in accordance with ISO 14034 ETV, including the new Stormceptor® EF and Stormceptor® EFO oil-grit separators and the Jellyfish® Filter.  In addition, the Filterra™ Bioretention System is currently undergoing verification, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. Imbrium is committed to providing our clients the latest in high performing stormwater treatment technologies, with testing and verification to the most rigorous standards in the industry. 



Posted in: 2018, June 2018