Dropzone Newsletter

By: Imbrium Systems

Forterra and Imbrium teamed together in April to host two stormwater seminars in the GTA focusing on regulatory guidance for applications of oil-grit separators in stormwater treatment. A combined audience of 120 engineers engineers, regulators, and researchers gathered to learn about the latest in OGS and stormwater filter technology, proper testing protocols for OGS and filters, and guidance for application of OGS and filters within stormwater regulations.

Reagan Davidson, Regional Manager and Joel Garbon, Regulatory Manager led the event. Garbon kicked off the seminar by speaking to the rigorous testing Imbrium has done in the lab and in the field on the Stormceptor® EF and the Jellyfish® Filter to meet ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification requirements. Garbon also spoke to the importance of proper product selection, sizing, scaling, installation, and maintenance to consistently achieve the stormwater quality objectives for a specific site.

A number of guest speakers also presented at the seminar, including Tim Van Seters, Senior Manager, STEP, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Alex Fitzgerald, Manager, Water Quality Protection, Credit Valley Conservation, and Joe Costa, Senior Scientist, Good Harbour Laboratories, who detailed the testing protocol used to verified performance for oil-grit separators in the lab.

The newest OGS technology was on display – the new Stormceptor® EF, providing attendees the chance to inspect and see firsthand how the new technology works.

Posted in: 2018, June 2018