Dropzone Newsletter

By: Imbrium Systems

The use of an oil-grit separator (OGS) for treating stormwater runoff can be a very effective measure for preventing hydrocarbon spills from reaching downstream waterways. However, performance for oil capture and oil retention varies widely among the many marketed OGS devices. Most OGS devices are capable of capturing dry weather spills, but some devices have problems retaining the oil during storm events, especially during higher intensity runoff periods when influent turbulence may re-entrain and washout previously captured oil. For high-traffic sites where oil and fuel spills are more likely to occur (such as fueling stations, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, and high-accident-frequency intersections), it is important to select an OGS device that has been third-party verified for oil capture and retention. The selected device should demonstrate good performance in the “Light Liquid Re-entrainment Simulation Test” specified within the Canadian ETV protocol Procedure for Laboratory Testing of Oil-Grit Separators. Additionally, the manufacturer should provide evidence ( such as video of oil capture testing) that the device is effective at not only retaining, but capturing oil during stormwater influent conditions.

Stormceptor® EFO has been third-party tested and verified in accordance with the ISO 14034 ETV protocol, and demonstrates exceptional oil capture and oil retention, making it the high-performance choice for oil hotspots.

Posted in: 2019, April 2019